luni, 22 decembrie 2008
I need someone
Someone next to which I don`t have to be better, funnier, smarter, to whom I don`t have to prove anything, someone with whom I don`t have to compete.
I need that someone to talk to, to hear to, to share laughs and dreams with, someone with whom I can just be quiet. Someone for me... Don`t you?
P.S : This is my favorite time of the year, I love everything surrounding Christmas : the tree, the carols, making cookies , hopefully lots of snow, spending more time with my family, then having fun with my friends, receiving but especially offering gifts( I like to think I`m pretty good at getting the right present). So, I`ll probably be quite busy enjoying the holidays, and I didn`t want to let pass something I felt and wrote a couple of weeks ago...
marți, 18 noiembrie 2008
Now it`s kinda of cloudy, I`m back with my feet on the ground, but still feeling great. And I keep on singing this song. So, here`s to you, too. Hope it will bring back nice memories or just bright your day...
Searching for the tube I found this great clip on youtube :
marți, 11 noiembrie 2008
Robbie Williams in love

When he`s not in U.S hunting for UFOs, or back in England recording for his long waited new album, Robbie proves he can have a lot of fun, and he`s not at all depressed or out of it as some tried to picture him.
The English singer was seen at Blackpool, in England with his girlfriend Ayda Field. In fact, it is rumored that Robbie took the chance to introduce Ayda to his parents. So, not only he`s in good spirits, but Robbie is working hard recording his album( a great one, according to his friend and former Take That collegue, Mark ) and he`s very much in love...
Success - how bad you want it?
Everyone seeks for success,some in personal life, others professionally, most of us in both areas. Some admit that, others don`t( maybe not even to themselves).
I myself I know I can do good in both fields, it may be hard sometimes but I never give up. Not necessarily due to what others may think or due to my vanity ( though this still has a great part in my life , some say it fades with the age), but I`d consider it a failure. And I` m not used to it. I don`t care if others pass judgements on me, as long as I can look myself in the mirror and know I didn`t let myself down.I was pretty hunger for success and still am.
But I read something the other days which changed my perception a little bit. This is Saint Paul's motto "sic transit gloria mundi" (the glory of the world is transitory). What I understand from it is that you may do your best to use the success as a tool, not as an end itself. Perhaps this filantropical behaviour may be considered selfish by some people. And maybe it is, maybe unconsciously we give help to help ourselves, but who cares as long as we can help a lot of people in this way? I bet we`d have a better world if there were a lot of " selfish" people out there.
marți, 14 octombrie 2008
P.S : La multi ani, tata!
In cadoul de la mine ti-am pus un gand bun, un vis frumos, un zambet si un pupic...
sâmbătă, 4 octombrie 2008
Daca ai fi o rochie... If you were to be a dress ...

Mi-a placut ideea postata de Cristina Bazavan pe blogul ei si sincer, mi-a fost destul de greu sa aleg o singura rochie. De fapt, am crezut ca va fi greu. Lucrurile s-au simplificat pe parcurs.
Cu cat ma gandeam, cu atat imi veneau alte si alte idei.Dar majoritatea erau influentate de frumusetea, spectaculozitatea unei rochii sau, de ce sa nu recunosc, vanitatea mea.
Am redus atunci lista la patru. Si am realizat ca primele doua sunt mai mult fashion related, dar oricum speciale pentru mine : rochia Versace purtata de Carrie Bradshaw, in prima ei noapte la Paris, si rochia de matase galbena a personajului interpretat de Kate Hudson in How to lose a guy in 10 days.
Nu stiu de ce automat m-am gandit la filme, probabil memoria vizuala asociata si cu povestea personajelor, faptul ca mai mereu ma transpun in pielea caracterelor respective cand ma impresioneaza un film, au dat nastere unor astfel de amintiri fashioniste.
Apoi, este rochia alba purtata de Liz Taylor in Cat on a hot tin roof. Nici nu mi-as mai putea-o inchipui altfel pe Maggie- the cat.
Dar, alegerea mea e una aparent banala. Nici eu nu realizez de ce aceasta rochie, atat de simpla, atat de lipsita de glamour. Dar n-am nici un dubiu, ca daca as fi o rochie, aceasta ar fi :
In momentul in care mi-am amintit acesta scena, am stiut. Nu mai e nevoie sa ma gandesc la alta, nici nu e nevoie sa analizez motivele. Pur si simplu stiu ca aceasta rochie sunt eu...
vineri, 3 octombrie 2008
Marc Levy is getting married

One of my favorite authors, Marc Levy will marry journalist Pauline Levêque in two weeks.
They met three years ago, and at that time, the French author had no idea she was the woman that will inspire his great love stories from now on. At the end of their meeting, he told her " Hope will meet again soon..." , and so they did and started a beautiful relationship which it seems will end up with a marriage.
The ceremony is expected to take place in Paris, on 18th October.
Oh well, positive and happy news today. I sort of needed that, as I was getting quite depressed these days. I don`t know whether it`s the season, the rude, ignorant people I faced lately or the cold I caught that made me feel this way, but now I`m really zen and look forward to the weekend.
Source :
Demi Moore and Gwyneth Paltrow help Romanian kids

Hollywood actresses support the program " Each child in school", offering poor Romanian kids the opportunity of having a proper education.
On the 25th October, at the Parliament Palace in Bucharest, the fourth edition of Halloween Charity Ball will take place. Among the objects auctioned in order to raise money for Leslie Hawke `s program, " Each child in school" - there will be a Versace HIT handbag donated by Demi Moore( she received it as a personal gift from Donatella Versace) and a Damiani necklace, having a cross shaped pendant with diamonds encrosted in white and pink gold, donated by Gwyneth Paltrow.
I remind you that Ethan Hawke`s mom, Leslie, has been living in Romania for several years now and she is the president of "Ovidiu" foundation, supporting the right to education for everyone.
Source : Libertatea
sâmbătă, 27 septembrie 2008
R.I.P Paul Newman...

Paul Newman passed away after a long battle with cancer Friday at his farmhouse near Westport, Connecticut, surrounded by his family and close friends. He was 83 years old.
The actor was famous for his roles in The Hustler, Cool Hand Luke and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, in which he stared opposite Robert Redford.He was nominated for 10 Oscars, winning for 1987's The Color of Money and taking home two honorary ones.
I first got to see Paul Newman in The Battler, a television adaptation after Ernest Heminguay. His breakthrough was enabled in fact by tragedy: James Dean, already a star at that time, and former classmate of Newman at Actors Studio in New York, died in a car accident in 1955. His role was then taken by Paul Newman a little- known performer.
But my favorite movie starring the blue eyed actor was " Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", an adaptation of Tennessee Williams` play.

In this 1958 film, he received his first Oscar nomination for playing a bitter, alcoholic former star athlete and Elizabeth Taylor played his unhappy wife. This is one of my all time favorite movies, I`ve definitely seen it more than 50 times, and each time it`s aired I still watch it with the same thrill.
The vice-chairman of Newman's Own Foundation,Robert Forrester, issued a statement saying : “Paul Newman’s craft was acting. His passion was racing. His love was his family and friends. And his heart and soul were dedicated to helping make the world a better place for all."
Indeed, in the 1970s, Newman, admittedly bored with acting, became fascinated with auto racing, a sport he studied when he starred in the 1972 film, "Winning" and after turning professional in 1977, he and his driving team made strong showings in several major races, including fifth place in Daytona in 1977 and second place in the Le Mans in 1979.
"Racing is the best way I know to get away from all the rubbish of Hollywood," he told People magazine in 1979.
Newman was also known for his philanthropy. He created the Newman's Own brand of organic foods and donated the company's profits to charity."What started as something of a joke in the basement of his home, turned into a highly-respected, multi-million dollar a year food company," Forrester said. "He shared this good fortune by donating all the profits and royalties he earned to thousands of charities around the world, a total which now exceeds $250 million."
One of the most beautiful love stories I know was that of Paul Newman and his wife, actress Joanne Woodward. They wed in 1958, around the same time they both appeared in "The Long Hot Summer," and Newman directed her in several films, including "Rachel, Rachel" and "The Glass Menagerie."
Newman once said, "I'd like to be remembered as a guy who tried, tried to be part of his times, tried to help people communicate with one another, tried to find some decency in his own life, tried to extend himself as a human being. Someone who isn't complacent, who doesn't cop out."
He definitely succedeed and did a whole lot more than that.
May you rest in peace and we will not forget you, Paul Newman...
Source : AP, People, US Weekly
joi, 18 septembrie 2008
It`s Dylan!

Like I was saying in a previous post, my bet was on Dylan McKay to be the father of Kelly`s son.The idea of Kelly having a son was of Jennie Garth, but she further let the producers decide on the plot.
I always thought there was more than just a relationship between the two of them.
Now, I don`t believe If the producers thought of that when they chose Luke Perry`s character to be the father, I guess their focus was on who would accept to return to 90210. There were talks with both Perry and Priestley. And even If Kelly had the baby with Dylan, it doesn`t mean they will end up together. Let`s not forget that at the beginning of the spin-off Kelly had a phone conversation with Brandon. Will just have to wait and see. According to the producers there is a chance that in the future episodes Sam`s father will appear. And then, maybe Brandon will show up, too. So, the story goes on...
I don`t know, for the time being I`m happy it was Dylan.
duminică, 14 septembrie 2008
Habemus a trendy Pope

Pope Benedict XVI changed the official couturier of Vatican, Annibale Gammarelli, responsible for the outfits of the Pope and cardinals since 1798( actually the Gammarelli family). I don`t know if it was his visit to Paris, of which I`ve let you know the other days, that rushed this decision but we can say that the Pope did not let the people down in the capital of fashion.
The Pope considered the official clothes supplier of Vatican too sober. It is said that some of Pope`s outfits are signed by Prada( ironically, not only the Devil wears prada, huh :))
Moreover, his Sanctity has a thing for Gucci sunglasses and never loses of sight his Apple iPod engraved with his name.
In terms of shoes, the Pope wears cross embroidered red shoes. The Vigevano consortium of shoemakers offered the Pope a pair of red shoes made out of kangaroo leather and some other 15000 pairs of more ordinary shoes. So, the Pope might be a fashion icon but he`s not very into the eco trend, yet...
Source :
vineri, 12 septembrie 2008
Who`s the father?

In Beverly Hills 90210 spin-off, Kelly Taylor the character played by Jennie Garth has a 4 year old son, Sammy. The boy`s father will be revealed in the future episode. So far, Kelly has mentioned she knew him in high school and they have history together. The couple went their separate ways, but hooked up four years ago. Since then, he’s been out of their lives. Who`s Sammy`s dad? Is it Brandon or Dylan? It could be someone else? I liked more the love story between Dylan and Kelly, though Brandon loved Kelly more, while Dylan`s soul mate was considered Brenda.
The spin-off`s producers mentioned there’s a “possibility” the baby’s father could appear on a future episode. Will see where the story goes, until then on who would you place your bet?
Source : People mag
Pope at Elysee

Pope Benedict XVI arrived at Elysee Palace , in France, this afternoon for a meeting with the French president, followed by a speech in which he is expected to debate the controversial question of laicism. The Pope was received by President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni. He then had a conversation with Sarkozy and other 2 French ministers : Michèle Alliot-Marie and Jean-Pierre Jouyet.
Sarkozy then introduced a few members of his family to the Pope, among them his mother Andrée Sarkozy and his mother-in-law Marisa Bruni-Tedeschi.
Among those present, at the speeches of both Pope benedict XVI and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the most important religous figures in France, members of the French government, lots of politicians and Paris` mayor Bertrand Delanoë.
The last visit of a Pope in France was that of Pope John Paul II in 1997, when he was received by that time French president Jacques Chirac.
Source : Gala. fr
marți, 9 septembrie 2008
What went on today...
- Let`s see what were the major news in the life of celebs. I mentioned a new baby boy, well Minnie Driver gave birth today to Henry Story Driver. Her rep, Jessica Kolstad said the baby was born Friday in Los Angeles.
- Joshua Jackson will be returning to TV. On the new Fox show Fringe, Jackson will be playing Peter Bishop.
- French actor Jean- Paul Belmondo, 75 and his wife Natty divorced yesterday, after 20 years spent together.
- Formula 1 pilot,Lewis Hamilton and his girlfriend Pussycat Doll Nicole Schrezinger have decided to take a step forward in their relationship. No, we`re not talking marriage, Nicole recently said in an interview she`s not ready for such an important decision, but she and English racer have decided to move in together. They`re not sure yet, whether it will be in U.K or U.S.
- Sex symbol Kylie Minogue- lesbian? Guys relax, the Aussie singer joke around saying she can`t stand not having a man in her life and she might consider becoming a lesbian. But I`m sure we`ll soon learn about a new man ( or the same, a certain O.M?) in her life:)
- And a really hot info, according to People Magazine, R&B singer Usher and his wife Tameka Foster are expecting a second child together. Usher`s rep has not confirmed the news yet.

That`s all for today, I`ll see( read) you tomorrow. Oh, If we`ll still be alive after the Geneve experiment:) Yeah, it seems we`re safe, as tomorrow there`ll be just a practice, and the real thing will be taking place on 21st October...
Kiss, Lora
Hit or Miss - MTV VMA part 2

O.k, let`s try to see some not so inspired choices of outfits.I`ll start with a great singer, Katy Perry whose look was not so great at the VMAs. She said :"I got this outfit at a vintage store". Well, she`s the proof that not all vintage can be classy. Katy chose a silver bustier and satin short shorts. And that`s not all. She accessorized all with some shiny, fuchsia shoes and a horrible American flag clutch. The worst outfit of the evening in my opinion.
Then, we have a great voice, a real artist and a really happy mom : Christina Aguillera. She sported a new hair do, with bangs ... some loved it, some hated it. But that`s not the issue now. Her dress in my opinion, is not so bad, but the spiderweb pattern I don`t think suited her very well. Maybe next time, Xtina. Another choice of mine for this topic is Lindsay Lohan. Though I love her new lighter locks, the skintight long-sleeved dress with those tacky color matching sandals are too much... don`t you think so?

My last subject today, a girl whose look I usually love- Rihanna. This time, not so much. She wore a black bustier and a wallpaper-meets- avantgarde inspired skirt. It kinda looks like a cabbage. And the white sandals don`t do anything good, either. Well, enough about VMAs, I`ll be back with a last post today, later in the night to talk about all the news today : we have a new baby boy, a new hairdo, Joshua Jackson back on TV, a divorce, two stars moving in together and one of the sexiest woman outhere may be gay... More at midnight... Kiss, Lora

Hit or Miss - MTV VMA part 1

Hi everyone!
Like I said in my previous post, I wanted to focus our attention and our criticizing skill :) in reviewing some Vma outfits. Let`s see who was more inspired on the Red Carpet, in terms of fashion, and who forget to check out in the mirror before going out ( or maybe their stylists need an eye check, who knows?)
Since the big star of the evening was Britney Spears, let start with her. It was a nice change seeing Britney so confident, sensual and in a very good shape. Brit chose a Versace lilac embroidered cocktail dress with fringe, classy yet glamorous. I thought she chose a safe outfit, and it somehow reminded me of the old Britney , I think around 2001 she had this style. Maybe her sandals, though gorgeous, due to their shape didn`t compliment her legs, but as a whole - it was a very nice appearance.
Now, one of my favorite outfits at this event, that of Lauren Conrad. She wore Pogah's silk taffeta dress embellished with Swarovski crystals. The Hills ` star chose suitable gorgeous accesories, her makeup was flawless, as well as her hairstyle - simple yet classy. I don`t know whether it is her talent of designer or her stylist inspiration, but I loved Lauren on the Red Carpet.

So, these are my choices of beautiful, chic, fresh and inspiring outfits that made me appreciate this year`s VMA. In part 2 I`ll show you some less inspired celebs. Back soon, Lora...

MTV VMA 2008 - The winners

It`s been quite a busy weekend, so I haven`t really updated the blog like I wanted to, but it was a " nice busy" as I partyed a lot. There are a lot of birthdays these days and I had to organize myself in attending 5 parties. The next weekend there will be just one party( or at least, one that I know so far), and in two weekends from now, again party hard- 4 parties and still counting...
But let`s get back to our celebs and their reason to party.
I guess you`ve all learned, by now, who got what at this year`s edition of VMAs, but just in case here are the big winners : Britney Spears took 3 Moon Men for Best Female Video, Best Pop Video and Video of the Year, Chris Brown won Best Male Video, Best Dancing in a Video , who else but the Pussycat Dolls, Linkin Park won Best Rock Video for Shadow of the Day, while the award for best Debut Video went to Tokyo Hotel.
What do you think about the winners? What about Britney`s succesful comeback? Did you watch the show? And If so, you liked the presenter and the performances? More on the celebs big night at the VMAs, tomorrow when we`ll talk about Fashion- hit or miss...
Later, Lora
duminică, 7 septembrie 2008
Patrick Swayze - great force and huge inspiration

Patrick Swayze made a surprise appearance to EIF "Stand Up To Cancer" fund-raising special. He`s not just one of my favorite actors, but one of my favorite men in this world. A truly gifted person, a great dancer, a human force and a very sensitive artist.I can only wish him health and like many people close to him have said, If there`s anyone that can beat this terrible disease, that person is surely Patrick. The actor diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier this year attended the event with his wife Lisa Niemi as always, by his side. Swayze smiled and danced, did a solo moment guitar and chatted with Fran Drescher and other cancer survivors. The Stand Up to Cancer, charity event that's raising money to fight the disease benefited the presence of a huge list of celebrities, among them : Casey Affleck, Christina Applegate, Lance Armstrong, Josh Brolin, Jennifer Aniston, Dana Delany, Fran Drescher, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Christina Ricci, Salma Hayek,Meryl Streep,Scarlett Johansson,Hilary Swank,Goran Visnjic, Jessica Alba, Charlize Theron, Halle Berry, Keanu Reeves and so much more. Some of the biggest names in the music industry, like Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Rihanna or Fergie, performed the charity single "Just Stand Up," which benefits Stand Up to Cancer. But back to my reason of this post,Noreen Fraser, one of the show's producers and a stage-four breast cancer survivor told People magazine about Swayze`s surprise show up : "I just had to thank him for his appearance. His appearance put this event over the top." Swayze`s response was: 'There was no way I was going to say no to this.' " The actor is doing well, he`s continuing his treatment and he`s even back to work. We`re praying for you, Patrick!
Source : People Magazine
Venice Film Festival 2008 & The Golden Stag part 2- the Winners

Today the 65th Venice Film Festival came to an end. The Gold Lion went to Darren Aronofsky for his movie The Wrestler.
Some agreed with the jury`s decision, some not. Since i haven`t seen the movie yet, i can only trust the members of the jury. The one thing everyone agreed, from critics to audience, was the great performance of Mickey Rourke. So, only for that it`s worth seeing The Wrestler, checking out Rourke`s comeback.
Here`s the official list of the awards :
GOLDEN LION for Best Film:
The Wrestler by Darren Aronofsky (
SILVER LION for Best Director to:
Aleksey German Jr. for Bumažnyj Soldat (Paper Soldier) (
Teza by Haile Gerima (
COPPA VOLPI for Best Actor:
Silvio Orlando for Il papà di Giovanna by Pupi Avati (Italy)
COPPA VOLPI for Best Actress:
Dominique Blanc for L’autre by Patrick Mario Bernard and Pierre Trividic (
MARCELLO MASTROIANNI AWARD for Best Young Actor or Actress:
OSELLA for Best
Alisher Khamidhodjaev and Maxim Drozdov for Bumažnyj Soldat (Paper Soldier) by Aleksey German Jr. (
OSELLA for Best Screenplay to:
Haile Gerima for Teza by Haile Gerima (Ethiopia, Germany, France)
SPECIAL LION for Overall Work to:
The Golden Stag Music Festival designated its winners tonight, too. The Golden Stag stays in Romania, as the winner was Razvan Crivach. The Silver Stag went to the Swedish group Biondo and the Bronze Stag was received by another Romanian singer Tony Poptamas.
Tomorrow will have Mtv`s VMAs, so after seeing the show, the Red Carpet appearances and the big winners, will talk more.
Soon, Lora
Sources :
sâmbătă, 6 septembrie 2008
Venice Film Festival 2008 & The Golden Stag End Today

The Venice Film Festival 2008 ends today. Before learning who the winners are, let`s have a look on the Red Carpet. Here`s some spectacular outfits I`ve selected, some I love, some not so much, some bold, some classic gowns, with a plus for Lady Claudia Cardinale, whom I don`t see so often.
What do you think? Who`s the best dressed? And there`s a worst dressed?
And speaking of fashion, who`s your all times style icon? What about this year`s best dressed people? Have you read the classification in Vanity Fair`s Style Issue? Maybe we`ll get back on this discussion.
The other festival I was speaking about in my first post, a musical one this time- The Golden Stag will announce it`s winners tonight. The 10 finalists are : 3Nity, Alexa, Biondo, Dragos Chircu, Crash ,Annamari Dancs, Razvan Krivach, Nevena,Tami&Nir, Tony Poptamas&Alexandra Ungureanu. The event will end with a performance by Simply Red.
Kiss, Lora
vineri, 5 septembrie 2008
This month`s subjects

Here are the main magazines and our sources upon which will discuss.In terms of articles or a special theme I think we can have monthly subjects, otherwise will be updated with the latest, hottest info and events.
For this first post I`ll just edit the magazines` covers and soon will start reviewing. These are just some examples, the list of glossy magazines is open.
Also, I`ll soon post the news. It`s just the beginning so have patience with me :) , o.k?
Like I said, I wait for your opinions, information, questions or suggestions. Talk soon my future friends.
Iata o parte din revistele glossy aparute in aceasta luna la noi. Lista cuprinde si publicatii internationale, saptamanale ori lunare. Aceasta poate fi extinsa. Le-ati citit deja? Ce v-a amuzat, ce v-a placut. Vreun articol ce v-a ramas in gand? Let me know. De asemenea , propuneti-mi subiecte legate de vip-urile de la noi, celebs-urile de la ei. Ce v-a atras atentia sapt. aceasta?
P.S : Let`s not forget the weekend : we have the VMA`s ( can`t wait to discuss the winners, the performances and the outfits), the Golden Stag/ Cerbul de Aur ( Romanian music festival), the RBD concert in Bucharest and more...
Talk soon, Lora :-*