Mi-a placut ideea postata de Cristina Bazavan pe blogul ei si sincer, mi-a fost destul de greu sa aleg o singura rochie. De fapt, am crezut ca va fi greu. Lucrurile s-au simplificat pe parcurs. Cu cat ma gandeam, cu atat imi veneau alte si alte idei.Dar majoritatea erau influentate de frumusetea, spectaculozitatea unei rochii sau, de ce sa nu recunosc, vanitatea mea. Am redus atunci lista la patru. Si am realizat ca primele doua sunt mai mult fashion related, dar oricum speciale pentru mine : rochia Versace purtata de Carrie Bradshaw, in prima ei noapte la Paris, si rochia de matase galbena a personajului interpretat de Kate Hudson in How to lose a guy in 10 days. Nu stiu de ce automat m-am gandit la filme, probabil memoria vizuala asociata si cu povestea personajelor, faptul ca mai mereu ma transpun in pielea caracterelor respective cand ma impresioneaza un film, au dat nastere unor astfel de amintiri fashioniste. Apoi, este rochia alba purtata de Liz Taylor in Cat on a hot tin roof. Nici nu mi-as mai putea-o inchipui altfel pe Maggie- the cat. Dar, alegerea mea e una aparent banala. Nici eu nu realizez de ce aceasta rochie, atat de simpla, atat de lipsita de glamour. Dar n-am nici un dubiu, ca daca as fi o rochie, aceasta ar fi :
In momentul in care mi-am amintit acesta scena, am stiut. Nu mai e nevoie sa ma gandesc la alta, nici nu e nevoie sa analizez motivele. Pur si simplu stiu ca aceasta rochie sunt eu...
One of my favorite authors, Marc Levy will marry journalist Pauline Levêque in two weeks. They met three years ago, and at that time, the French author had no idea she was the woman that will inspire his great love stories from now on. At the end of their meeting, he told her " Hope will meet again soon..." , and so they did and started a beautiful relationship which it seems will end up with a marriage. The ceremony is expected to take place in Paris, on 18th October.
Oh well, positive and happy news today. I sort of needed that, as I was getting quite depressed these days. I don`t know whether it`s the season, the rude, ignorant people I faced lately or the cold I caught that made me feel this way, but now I`m really zen and look forward to the weekend.
Hollywood actresses support the program " Each child in school", offering poor Romanian kids the opportunity of having a proper education. On the 25th October, at the Parliament Palace in Bucharest, the fourth edition of Halloween Charity Ball will take place. Among the objects auctioned in order to raise money for Leslie Hawke `s program, " Each child in school" - there will be a Versace HIT handbag donated by Demi Moore( she received it as a personal gift from Donatella Versace) and a Damiani necklace, having a cross shaped pendant with diamonds encrosted in white and pink gold, donated by Gwyneth Paltrow. I remind you that Ethan Hawke`s mom, Leslie, has been living in Romania for several years now and she is the president of "Ovidiu" foundation, supporting the right to education for everyone.