marți, 27 ianuarie 2009
luni, 26 ianuarie 2009
joi, 22 ianuarie 2009
We miss you ...
First year without Heath
And on the first anniversary of his death, Heath Ledger receives an Oscar nomination.The Dark Knight star is up for Best Supporting Actor, alongside Josh Brolin (Milk), Robert Downey Jr. (Tropic Thunder); Phillip Seymour Hoffman (Doubt) and Michael Shannon (Revolutionary Road). Hope he`ll win this time and perhaps all of his future awards will go to his treasure, the love of his life, his daughter Matilda. (she resembles Heath so much!!!)
A year has gone by and it`s said time heals all wounds, but let`s not forget what Michelle Williams has said at one point : "It's a strange thing to say, because I'm at heart an optimistic person, but in some ways it gets worse. The more time that passes, the more you miss someone." Here`s Heath and Michelle when they were a couple and above Heath and Matilda:
Celebs and Obama
Demi& Ashton, Marc& J.Lo, Jessica Alba, Shakira, Beyonce& Jay-Z, Anne Hathaway, Mariah, Diddy and much more attended the night's festivities at 10 Inaugural Balls. I also appreciated the concerts celebrating the Inauguration, with artists like Shakira, Kanye West,, Stevie Wonder. Among my favorite performances have been Mariah Carey singing her hit "Hero" Tuesday in honor of President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle at the Neighborhood Inaugural Ball in Washington, D.C. and Bruce Springsteen performing "The Rising" in front of a gospel choir.
Beyoncé delivered a powerful rendition of "America the Beautiful" on Sunday during the HBO free concert "We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration.
Talking about fashion I liked a lot the outfits of trio Shakira, J.Lo & Paulina Rubio and also Demi Moore`s Donna Karan dress.That`s what I liked from what I managed to see.
I`ll watch the best of all concerts and performances at the Inauguration Balls this weekend and see If I miss something.
First Lady Couture
Michelle Obama's gown for the Inaugural ball was almost as hotly anticipated as the inauguration itself. There have been predictions regarding the designer she`ll choose, the color she`ll wear. Like everyone expected she chose an American designer, the N.Y.C.-based 26-year-old Jason Wu. Michelle wore a one-shouldered silk chiffon dress covered in organza flowers and Swarovski crystals.
Wu who along with four friends sewed the countless number of flowers onto the dress by hand, said: “I wanted the dress to reflect hope, fantasy, a dream because this is a pretty surreal moment we’re living in."
There has been a huge amount of comments praising her choice or saying she might have done better.
Personally I liked the dress and I was most of all glad for choosing to wear white. I think it gave her grace, it made her stand out among all those black suits and for me white is timeless.
Anyway, " the modern Jackie O" as Michelle was named proved once again she has style and in terms of fashion we`ll defintely have 4 inspirational years.
In the end, here`s some choices along the years of other First Ladies :
Obama - U.S.A `s 44th President
In front of a record-setting crowd and in the presence of an unprecedented number of former presidents – Carter, Bush, Clinton and Bush Jr.- Barack Obama placed his right hand on Abraham Lincoln's Bible on Tuesday and said : "I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will execute the office President of the United States faithfully."Later, in his much-anticipated inaugural address, Obama thanked his predecessor then he asserted the crisis in which U.S.A is, referring to all of the problematic issues : weakened economy, nation at war, lost homes, shed jobs, shuttered businesses ; a too costly health care; " and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet." Obama presented the way in which things can be solved in each sector, he addressed the Muslim world saying :" we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect", and the people of poor nations by pledging " to work alongside you to make your farms flourish and let clean waters flow; to nourish starved bodies and feed hungry minds".Then, he once again reaffirmed America`s values upon which this nation progressed : " hard work and honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism".
I watched Obama`s Inaugural Address with emotion but also with a feeling of disappointment : in spite of those criticizing Obama for being more a celebrity rather than a politician and the person capable of doing all of those things he talked about in his speech, I supported him during elections and enjoyed each part of this show surrounding his Inauguration. I do believe he`ll try to accomplish each promise he made to Americans and the huge popularity he`s having can only help in doing so. I don`t think it`s just a show off, I actually believe his greatest strength is the force of convincing people that together they can bring back America to where it was , they can turn it into a nation loved worldwide. I mean he convinced me, and I`m not American.
Now the reason of me feeling kind of disillusioned : in Romania we never celebrated a new President, I`ve never seen people cheering for politicians, attending different ceremonies in spite of weather conditions or doing it because they felt that with all their heart, and not just because they were forced by someone or by something. The no. of celebs supporting Obama, the beautiful concerts and balls, each were real. If we were to have these things, it would have been fake.
Perhaps I`m too much of a believer and an idealist, but these things made me react, it touched me though I`m just a witness to it all. It`s easy to comment from outside, to criticize each mistake of this nation, the bad choices their leaders made. The fact is they have the power to change all that and most of all they have the belief in their nation.
They react to these words: " In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned."
For most of the Americans patriotism is not just a word, it`s not something you should feel or something you convince yourself to feel. It` just a way of living.
Here are some of the latest news in the world of celebrities : Sex& City is back! According to U.S Weekly Sarah Jessica Parker, 43, Kim Cattrall, 52, Cynthia Nixon, 42, and Kristin Davis, 43, have agreed to appear in the sequel to Sex and the City: The Movie. "Not all the contracts are signed, but everyone is on board,"
George Clooney will appear on E.R finale. The actor will put on the scrubs once more as Dr. Doug Ross when he shoots scenes for an appearance on ER Thursday and Friday of this week.Clooney rose to fame as Dr. Doug Ross on the show, which premiered in 1994, and last appeared in 2000. E.R is ending its 15-season run this year.
And in the end another good news, for me at least, Helene Segara will be performing in Bucharest, February 16th. I just love her voice and music and I`m really happy I`ll be able to see her, in my home town.
O.k, that`s about it for tonight. In my future post I`ll talk about Obama`s Inauguration and everything surrounding the event.
sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2009
My fashion faves at the Golden Globes
Less inspired in my view were Cameron Diaz( though her pink taffeta Chanel Haute Couture dress was beautiful, I didn`t like so much her hair - perhaps she went for natural, loose waves but maybe it was too natural, kind of negligent and all in all she seemed to me a little bit tired, not so glam), Beyonce(her Elie Saab dress was a dream- and yeah,I admit E.Saab is my favorite designer- but I don`t think it suited the singer) and I`ll end with the most finger pointed appearance: Renee Zelwegger. The dress was not a disaster, but I wouldn`t have chosen to wear it at the Golden Globes.
But, let`s get back to whom I really loved. A really nice surprise was Drew Barrymore, I always liked her style, but this pale blue dress designed by John Galliano for Dior was perfect for her, she was simply beautiful.
Then, I liked Eva Mendes, she wore a simple yet gorgeous Dior white dress with turquoise accessories which complemented her Carribean tan, and was quite a sensual appearance.
But my No.1 would have to be Demi Moore. She looked stunning. I loved her entire look: the Dior dress, simple, elegant and in a beautiful color, her makeup, hairstyle, the choice of accessories. Everything was just right!
joi, 15 ianuarie 2009
Daca nu mi-ar fi frica/ If I wouldn`t be scared ...
Dacă nu mi-ar fi frică,
Aş petrece mai mult timp pe balcon,
Aş purta fustă sau măcar catifea,
Mi-aş cumpăra pantofi cu toc,
Aş umbla singură, noaptea, pe străzile Bucureştiului,
Aş face bungee jumping şi scuba diving. Pe rând, dacă se poate.
Şi m-aş lăsa de fumat.
Aş intra în vorbă cu oricine, oricând, oricum,
Aş spune adevărul şi aş înfrunta consecinţele,
Aş iubi curajos, până la capăt.
Aş da-o în bară.
Ca să-mi treacă, m-aş apuca de actorie
Sau m-aş înscrie la Conservator.
Mai înainte, aş vorbi în public
Şi probabil că n-aş mai începe propoziţiile cu “probabil”.
Mai departe,
Dacă nu mi-ar fi frică,
Mi-aş lua haine pentru câteva zile,
Un marker şi un carton
Şi aş porni spre o ţară în a cărei limbă nu cunosc nici măcar un cuvânt.
Încă mă gândesc să-i iau pe Raluca şi pe Matei
Şi să-i duc în jurul lumii
În ritm de câte 2 ţări pe an.
Dacă nu mi-ar fi frică,
Mi-aş face bagajele şi m-aş muta în República de Guatemala.
Sau aş pleca în Brazilia să fac scufundări.
Sau în Barcelona să pictez.
Sau aş pleca într-un tur de un an în jurul lumii.
Să fac baie în lapte de bivoliţă în Bali.
Să gust condimentele din Zanzibar.
Să mă joc de-a palmierii şi nucile de cocos prin Pacific.
Până atunci, aş zbura la fiecare sfârşit de săptămână cu low-cost-urile.
Oriunde aş ajunge,
Dacă nu mi-ar fi frică,
Aş deschide o ceainărie.
Apoi aş face un copil.
Şi o grădiniţă colorată.
Iar după ce aş face toate astea,
Dacă nu mi-ar fi frică,
M-aş duce la baie şi m-aş spăla pe ochi cu apă foarte rece,
Aş trage aer în piept,
Aş pleca în America
Şi aş lua-o de la capăt.
Între timp, dacă nu mi-ar fi frică,
Aş începe să plantez morcovi.
Şi aş spune mai des cât îmi e de frică.
Mi-a placut foarte mult ideea si asteptam si rezultatul ei. Aceasta poezie s-a nascut dintr-o leapsa pornita pe 29 Dec. Selectia si editarea raspunsurilor( facute de Dragos Bucurenci) au dat nastere la acesta poezie. Sper ca va place...
Mai multe pe acest subiect :
Am tot ezitat la scrierea unui prim post pe 2009. Nimic nu mi se parea suficient de important, funny, touching& meaningful. Desi la trecerea dintre ani cu totii avem planuri/ dorinte/rezolutii/ sperante mai mult sau mai putin marete, inceputul de an e intotdeauna greoi si destul de apatic. Nu zic neaparat ca e oboseala de dupa Sarbatori( n-am exagerat niciodata cu noptile pierdute- ma rog, astea sunt o constanta a vietii mele, si mai degraba le-as numi nopti castigate- ori alt tip de excese), dar am urat dintotdeauna luna ianuarie: initial, pentru ca reincepea scoala, apoi era vorba de sesiune, care ca si iarna ne ia intotdeauna prin surprindere, nu? Acum cred ca a devenit o obisnuinta.Mi se pare, pur si simplu, o perioada foarte apasatoare, de care imi doresc sa trec cu usurinta si rapiditate. Astept februarie...
Anyway, poezia asta mi s-a parut potrivita si putem, eventual, reflecta un pic asupra ei, asupra dorintelor noastre, asupra vietii si poate schimbam ceva, ca tot ne aflam in pragul unui nou inceput.
In ceea ce priveste spectacolul mediatic autohton, anul acesta se anunta dezastruos, sunt deja scarbita de directia pe care au ales sa continue majoritatea celor care pretind ca fac divertisment. Asa ca, probabil luna aceasta voi vorbi despre ce se mai intampla worldwide. Globurile de Aur mi-au placut, mai ales ca doi dintre favoritii mei au luat Globurile acasa : Mickey Rourke si Kate Winslet. Partea de Red Carpet iarasi mi-a placut si desi n-am postat Best and Worst Dressed, am sa revin cu ce mi s-au parut mie cele mai inspirate aparitii. Alte subiecte to come, Barack Obama va prelua oficial functia de Presedinte al S.U.A si tot in aceasta luna se implineste un an(22 Ian.) de la moartea lui Heath Ledger( si el castigator al unui Glob de Aur, pt. rolul din Dark Knight). Talk soon...