Sad day. This afternoon heard the news of Farrah Fawcett` death and felt sorry and sort of hopeless for this sad ending. I knew her mostly from the famous series Charlie`s Angels, as a talented actress, a very beautiful woman, with a lovely smile and not forget her trademark blonde hair. But these last months watched her fighting the illness, saying she really wants to beat it, saying she doesn`t want to die of cancer. I admired her courage, determination and the grace with which she fought it till the end.She had a great man beside her all the time, her love - Ryan O`Neal. At noon it was reported her condition got worse, and early in the evening I heard about her death.
May you rest in peace Farrah and all my love to the O`Neals.

But at midnight the news about Michael Jackson`s heart arrest came as a shock.It all happened so rapidely. Watched all the media, tv and online, prayed and hoped for a mirracle. As most of the press agencies reported his passing away, I was clinging to Cnn`s official confirmation. At the time I`m writing this, CNN did not confirmed yet, but people are already mourning and L.A Times, U.s, O.k, E-News. , Perez Hilton,CBS, Tmz, People, Yahoo, Reuters all announced the sad news.
Though I acknowledge this, I cannot believe it, I refuse to believe it.
I`m sad for his late years, for all the cruel attacks, for all the judgements,criticism released by ordinary people, media and even some of his alleged fans.
I`ve been a Michael Jackson fan all my life, went to his concert in Bucharest, used to joke that I was born as a Michael fan. And I never stopped being a fan regardless of all the events in his life and of all bad words which targeted him.
When this summer`s tour was announced I couldn`t be happier. I was counting the days now.Sure, there was concern, there was doubt of whether he`ll be able to perform once again, of whether his health is good enough for such a number of concerts.
I don`t know what happened, don`t want to make false suppositions, don`t know what the state of his health really was. I just know he was probably doing all his best for a great return, I`m sure that`s how it would have been. Maybe the pressure from the media, the fans and probably from himself was too much.

Again, don`t know what happened but I already miss him.I miss his music, his energy and him as a human being. I remember I used to think he`s invincible. And actually, I will continue to think so, because his kindness and his huge talent, his creativity will live on through his music that we love for years and will continue to love. R.I.P Michael...
P.S Cnn confirmed it, too. ( I was still hoping.....)